Blackhawks Basketball Logo
About Us
Established in New Milton, Hampshire.  We develop talent to compete at local,  BUCS and national league level.

Our Story

About Us

Growing the Game

The New Milton Blackhawks were founded in 2000 in New Milton, Hampshire, England. Their mission was to cultivate a love for basketball among people of all ages in the community. We have now expanded our operation to include a camp in North Bristol.


Our coaches empower players, from those seeking a supportive community to those with collegiate or professional aspirations. This dedication to individual growth has fuelled our team’s success, with many under-18 players advancing to NBL, National League, and BUCS levels.

Since 1999 we have established competitive youth and senior squads at local, regional and county league level.  Our club training sessions help establish rules of the game and provide innovative drills to help develop ball handling, shooting, lay ups, post moves, dribbling, fakes and passing. Our ‘open runs’ are exercise based scrimmage sessions focusing on agility, mobility, strength training, stability, speed and conditioning.  All elements that are key to a player’s success on the court and general wellbeing.  

Qualified Coaching Staff

We believe basketball should be a sport enjoyed by all and strive to improve the skills of all participants.  All Blackhawk coaches are Basketball England registered, insured, hold a valid DBS certificate and possess relevant safeguarding training.


Developing Players, Building Community. The Blackhawks have proudly raised funds for local and national good causes.  Our main charity is the Bone Cancer Research Trust in memory of our team mate Will Carling.